
Cheap Easter Crafts for Kids

Easter Egg Ornaments: 

What You'll Need: 
  • 2 Clear Easter Eggs
  • 1 Silver Glitter Pen
  • 1 Gold Glitter Pen 
  • 2 Six inch Strings 
  • 1 Glue Gun 
  1.  Plug in your glue gun making sure your younger children can't reach it. 
  2. Take 1 of your Easter eggs and one of your pens and start my making designs with the pen. I made a straight line all around the egg and then made  loops around the egg. Be Creative!!
  3. Take your string and turn it into a loop.
  4. Put a small dot of glue on your egg.
  5. Take your looped string ends on the glue and let dry 
  6. Once it is dry you can now hang your ornament. 

Painted Cardboard Crosses: 

Print out 

What you'll need: 

  • Print out the cross or trace one free handed.
  • Brown Paint 
  • Paint Brush
  • Scissors
  •  4" String
  • Glue
  • Cardboard


  1. Print out cross, trace it onto the cardboard. 
  2. Cut out cross.
  3. Paint cross brown you can add lines to make it look more realistic.
  4. Let pain dry.
  5. Once dry flip over cardboard and put glue on each side of the cross to hang.
  6. Put string on each side of cross on the glue. Let Dry 
  7. Enjoy!!!